Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): The 12 Steps of AA Recovery Program
What Is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an organization of individuals who have struggled with drinking. AA is organized and supported by its members and isn’t affiliated with any political or religious group. AA is open to everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or religion.1
AA’s goal is to promote sobriety by “carrying its message” of hope to others struggling with alcohol misuse or addiction. The principle of anonymity can help remove the stigma associated with alcohol addiction and can create a welcoming environment for members to receive alcohol treatment.1
What Happens at 12-Step AA Meetings?
12-Step AA meetings are often held in public, accessible buildings with lots of parking, such as churches, schools, coffee shops, and restaurants. There is no fee to attend.
How to Join AA
Joining AA is as simple as acknowledging that you have a drinking problem and deciding that you want to be a member. If you have checked out the meetings and found the program to be helpful, you can simply consider yourself a member.
However, Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization specifically for people struggling with alcohol use. There are a number of other 12-Step programs for people struggling with other types of substance misuse problems and compulsive behaviors.