Choosing a Top Porn Addiction Recovery Center
Porn addiction is a lot more common than many people think. An addict sees a video or stills, masturbates to it and then reaps the reward. Therefore, the images become associated with the feeling of orgasm.
Orgasm’s rush of endorphins provides a pretty powerful incentive, and it can lead to what’s known as a process addiction. This means that you end up watching porn compulsively, which has many negative ramifications and could require porn addiction therapy in order to recover. There are a couple important things to consider when it comes to porn addiction:
- Do you have a porn addiction?
- Where do you get treatment?
- How do you know when to get help?
How Do I Know if I Need Help?
Behavioral addictions like porn addiction may not seem as debilitating as other dependency issues, but don’t be fooled: these types of addictions can be consuming and compulsive.
It’s natural to be a little apprehensive about admitting a problem, as a porn addiction can have a significant impact on your relationships and life. If you prefer porn to sex, for example, you may find that you have a porn addiction.If your relationships break down because of porn (including family and social relationships), an addiction might be the reason. When looking for help, it’s best to talk with someone who has experience treating behavioral addictions, as they will know the best course of action to follow.
Choosing the Right Porn Addiction Recovery Program
The next stage is to find a pornography rehab and recovery center and that is where it can become a little baffling. Where do you go? How do you choose?
First, you really need to look at your personal beliefs. Would you prefer to deal with it in a spiritual way or a secular way? Spiritual rehabs tend to emphasize some sort of higher power to guide you through the process, and to some, it can be a source of comfort. If you’d rather deal with your addiction without invoking religion, you may do better in a secular rehab.
The next stage is to consider distance: How far away from home do you want to be? Some people want to escape their addiction environment and need to get away from computers and internet in order to recover, while others cannot afford to take time away from home and work. If you have to travel to treatment daily or weekly, you normally want to choose a pornography addiction treatment program that is closer to you.
You also want to consider whether you want an inpatient porn rehab center or an outpatient porn rehab center. Inpatient rehabs tend to be more expensive, but they often offer a better chance of getting clean, as they break the cycle of addiction and allow you to work through treatment without any access to pornography. You may be looking to locate 28- or 30-day, 60-day or 90-day rehab programs.Outpatient programs, where you drop in for regular counseling and therapy sessions, are the best option for someone who cannot take time away from home or work. Just make sure you are fully committed to your recovery, as there’s no drug test for porn watching. You may even want to get rid of internet access or block certain websites during your treatment process.
American Addiction Centers has helped thousands recover from addiction and we can help you or your loved one too. Check your insurance to find out instantly if your insurance provider may be able to cover all or part of the cost of rehab and associated therapies. You can also sign up 24/7 text support for addiction questions at your convenience.
Deciding to Get Help for Porn Addiction
The problem with addiction is that it causes changes in the brain, whether it’s an addiction to heroin, an addiction to methamphetamine or an addiction to porn. Unfortunately, behavioral addictions are rarely talked about and are often completely misunderstood. The American Society for Addiction Medicine has published a set of guidelines for defining addiction: the ABCDE model:
- Abstinence inability.
- Behavioral control impairment.
- Craving.
- Diminished ability to recognize significant problems.
- Emotional response is rendered dysfunctional.
Ultimately, any sort of addiction needs treatment, and it’s essential that you seek help. While porn addiction may not be recognized diagnostically as of yet, it can still cause great distress in those you are coping with compulsory porn consumption.The wide availability of porn may one day lead to beneficial changes and include porn addiction as part of a growing sector of addiction medicine.
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