Duration and Length of Rehab for Addiction
The duration of addiction rehab varies depending on several factors and can range from a few weeks to several months or longer. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), longer treatment is associated with more positive outcomes.1 However, your treatment team can help you decide the best length of time as effective treatment addresses the whole person, regardless of the length of treatment.1
How Long Do People Stay In Rehab?
How long does drug or alcohol rehab usually take? In short, rehab can range from a few days to a year or longer. However, how long a person stays in rehab depends on several factors. Common rehab lengths are:
Drug and alcohol rehab can also extend beyond 90 days in both inpatient and outpatient settings if you and your treatment team feel that more time is needed.
How Long Should Rehab Last?
Addiction treatment programs are most effective when a person spends adequate time in treatment.1 What’s considered adequate time for one person may vary from another person. Several factors influence rehab duration, including:
- The severity of your addiction.
- Whether you need medical detox services.
- The substances you have misused, including how much and for how long.
- Whether you have co-occurring mental or physical health conditions.
- Your rate of progress throughout treatment.
- Your insurance coverage.
For many people, the addiction recovery process is long-term. Relapse is common but does not mean that treatment has failed. If a person experiences relapse, this signals to a person’s treatment team that their needs should be reassessed and adjusted accordingly, which may mean more time in treatment.1
What Are the Benefits of Rehab?
While addiction is a chronic condition, it is treatable and can be managed.1, 2 Getting treatment, where you can receive services like behavioral therapy, medication, and support, is an effective way to achieve and maintain long-term recovery.1, 2
The are many benefits of rehab, many of which are deeply personal. However, in general, people may find that rehab can help them stop the cycle of substance misuse, understand the underlying causes of addiction, and establish healthy behaviors and patterns.1, 2
What Are the Benefits of 28- or 30-Day Rehab?
A 28- or 30-day rehab is a common type of treatment program that offers varying levels of care to meet a person’s needs. Rehab that lasts 28 to 30 days is often more intensive to help a person detox and begin the process of recovery with group and individual counseling, medication, and therapy.1
One-month rehab programs can help you lay a good foundation for recovery by helping you learn valuable tools to remain abstinent and cope with triggers in daily life. However, for people with more severe addictions or who have relapsed, longer rehab length of stays may help increase the possibility of positive outcomes.1
What Are the Benefits of 60-Day Rehab?
A 60-day addiction treatment program allows people to focus on getting sober and can give people more time to work through the causes of their addiction and establish new healthier behavior patterns.1
Often, 60-day rehabs take place in a supervised facility where people stay overnight for the duration of treatment. Outpatient treatment may also offer 60-day programs depending on the facility.1 A 60-day rehab may be well-suited for people with more severe addictions and co-occurring disorders. A 60-day inpatient rehab stay may be better for a person who wants 24/7 supervision and can stay in the facility.1
What Are the Benefits of 90-Day Rehab?
For people with long-standing addictions, co-occurring disorders, medical needs, or who have relapsed, a 90-day rehab can be a more appropriate option than short-term programs. Alcohol or drug treatment that lasts longer can give you more time to practice relapse prevention skills and prepare for independent living outside of the facility.1
Since a 90-day program may include more intensive treatment and inpatient care, your treatment team may help you create a continuing care plan. This may include step-down care in which treatment continues at a lower intensity level or outpatient setting.1
What Does an Addiction Treatment Program Include?
Regardless of how long rehab lasts or which program you choose, your entry into rehab will likely follow a similar structure depending on your needs. Before you enter treatment, you will receive a thorough assessment by your treatment team to make sure you get the proper level of care and all physical needs are met. Rehab programs may include a period of detox followed by different services, such as inpatient and outpatient rehab.
How Long Does Detox Take?
The detox and withdrawal process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the substance being misused and your physical needs. The detox process typically includes:3
- Evaluation for physical and mental health needs.
- Stabilization through the safe management of withdrawal symptoms, which may include medication.
- Preparation for the next phase of treatment as recommended by your treatment team.
A period of medically supervised detox is often advisable for patients struggling with alcohol or benzodiazepine misuse, as dangerous withdrawal symptoms (e.g., seizures) may occur when substances of these types are abruptly discontinued.3 Detox services can be a part of both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs and may affect how long rehab lasts.3
Structured Treatment Program
After detox, your treatment team may recommend continued treatment. This may be a formal rehab program on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Depending on your program, treatment may include:4
- Group, individual, and family counseling and therapy.
- Behavioral therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
- Treatment of co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety and depression.
- Participation in 12-step recovery groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
- Medication management.
- Relapse prevention techniques.
- Skills training, such as financial management.
- Aftercare planning.
How Long is Outpatient Rehab?
In general, outpatient programs last from about 2 months to 1 year, but this can vary depending on a patient’s needs and the program type.4 For example, an intensive outpatient program (IOP) offers more structured and typically requires patients to attend 9 to 20 hours of treatment per week. Meanwhile, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), the most intensive, typically requires patients to attend 4 to 8 hours of treatment per day for around 3 months.4
How to Choose a Drug or Alcohol Rehab Program
When looking for types of rehab programs, there are many options to consider, such as inpatient vs. outpatient programs. What’s important is that the program meets your needs with individualized care. Factors to consider include:5
- Credentials of treatment staff and the facility.
- Treatment approaches.
- Types of evidence-based therapies offered.
- Accommodations (private vs. shared).
- Location.
- Treatment of special populations like women, LGBTQ+, and religious groups.
What Happens After I Finish Rehab?
How long treatment lasts varies; however, recovery is ongoing even after you leave rehab. That’s why treatment programs often include continuing care planning, also known as aftercare planning.
A continuing-care plan will help create a structure to follow when you leave formal treatment, which can help encourage abstinence, and positive behavior patterns, and prevent relapse. Plans will vary depending on your needs and what you discuss with treatment professionals, but may include:
- 12-step programs, non-12-step programs, or other support groups.
- Group, individual, and family counseling and therapy.
- Medication for co-occurring disorders.
- Drug counseling and education.
Paying for Rehab for Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Paying for rehab can feel intimidating, but you have several options depending on your financial situation and the type of treatment you receive. Using insurance is a common way to pay for rehab as many rehab facilities work with insurance companies. Due to the Affordable Care Act, Marketplace plans must cover mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment to some extent, which may include inpatient and outpatient services.
If your insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of treatment or if you don’t have insurance, you still have options. Many treatment centers offer payment plans, including financing options or sliding scales in which the cost of treatment is based on your income and what you can realistically afford. You may also qualify for government programs like Medicaid or Medicare, which provide coverage for certain types of rehab. Grants and scholarships may also be available.
Find Addiction Treatment
If you or a loved one are ready to begin your process of recovery, American Addiction Centers (AAC) is ready to help. We have a team of compassionate admissions navigators who understand addiction and can help you find treatment. Our team is available 24/7 via our confidential helpline, which you can call at for free. They can answer your questions about treatment, provide resources, and check insurance coverage at AAC facilities in just a few minutes.