All the plans listed above provide coverage for addiction and behavioral health treatment. Rehabilitation services are primarily provided through the following:
Does UnitedHealthcare Insurance Cover Inpatient Rehabilitation?
UnitedHealthcare drug rehab or alcohol rehab providers offer coverage for inpatient addiction treatment (this may exclude certain short-term insurance plans). Patients reside at the facility during inpatient treatment and their length of stay may vary. For example, they may choose a 28- or 30-day program or a more long-term 60-day or 90-day inpatient program.
The level of coverage or plans available may change depending on:
- The state of residence.
- The employer.
- Whether your family members are included in the plan.
Additionally, medication may be used to help a person manage withdrawal symptoms, cravings and co-occurring disorders. Some UHC plans may require a separate deductible for medications used during treatment. After the deductible is met, there is a copayment for each prescription.
The copay for medications varies widely depending on the type of medication and the UHC plan you have. Prescriptions obtained outside the network are not covered.5
Does UnitedHealthcare Insurance Cover Outpatient Rehabilitation?
Outpatient rehab is the least intensive option of addiction treatment, requiring patients to attend a facility for a few hours several days a week. UnitedHealthcare provides coverage for outpatient drug and alcohol treatment. The specifics of your UnitedHealthcare rehab coverage will vary. There is no coinsurance for other outpatient services.
Out-of-network outpatient treatment or prescription medication is not covered.6
Learn more about inpatient vs. outpatient treatment.
Does UnitedHealthcare Insurance Cover Mental Health Treatment?
Substance misuse, behavioral health and mental health are categorized together with UnitedHealthcare insurance plans. An inpatient stay or outpatient treatment period for behavioral health or mental health reasons has the same level of coverage as treatment in an addiction center.5,6