M.C. programming as well as their staff is absolutely stellar. This is true of the director; Patty, housekeeping; Pam and Kim, counselors; Nicole, Sammi and Kirsten, MHP’s; Catherine and Shannon, Psychiatrist; “Gus”, Nursing/TMAs; Amy, Melissa,”Jo&Jo”, Dana , and Nicole, Recovery Staff; Colleen, John and Jesse, all the way to kitchen staff; Sue and Celine.
The amount of time we have to invest in changing our lives is very short. It is a small price when you think of the time wasted to active addiction. There are up to 50 women at M.C. at any given time. Women all at different points in their lives and journey, women who may need help just as badly as the next person. It for each woman to make the choice to truly want recovery in her own life and journey that will make the difference between a “bad” or “good” experience at M.C.
We always have choices. The best decision I have made in over 5 years was to spend 5 weeks giving my full attention and trust to the process M.C. offered me.
Thank you for taking the time to read these words. If you’re hurting, my advice is to give yourself a break and don’t wait until tomorrow to do something different today. If I can anyone can. Fr Fr. Good Luck & Love