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Learn About the Neurotics Anonymous 12-Step Recovery Program

Neurotics Anonymous is a well-known 12-Step recovery peer support program for anyone who suffers from a mental or emotional illness. Like other Anonymous programs, Neurotics Anonymous is based on the program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and follows the same 12-Step format. There are no dues or fees associated with membership in Neurotics Anonymous groups. The only requirement to join Neurotics Anonymous is that you understand your need for support and have a desire for emotional and mental stability.

If you or your loved one suffers from a mental or emotional illness, it is important to understand that millions of people all over the world suffer as well. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from a mental or emotional illness feel as if they are alone in their misery. Neurotics Anonymous brings people from all walks of life together to support one another in a world where a mental and emotional illness is often stigmatized. If you or your loved one suffers from a mental or emotional illness, call us today at . We would love to hear your story and provide you with information on local Neurotics Anonymous programs.

Neurotics Anonymous does not use the term “neurotic” as it is used by psychiatrists. Neurotics Anonymous uses the term “neurotic” to describe anyone whose mental or emotional illness interferes with their functioning to any degree. Some of the most common mental or emotional illnesses that Neurotics Anonymous members suffer from include the following:

The 12 Steps of Neurotics Anonymous

Like other Anonymous programs, Neurotics Anonymous follows the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Steps text. Anonymous support groups firmly believe that anonymity gives people the freedom to speak honestly about what they are going through, ensuring the rest of the group knows what kind of help and support they need.

The 12 Steps of Neurotics Anonymous are virtually identical to the 12 Steps used by other Anonymous programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The only difference is that the Steps used by Neurotics Anonymous are modified slightly to relate to emotional and mental illness as opposed to addiction to alcohol. These Steps are known for being effective long-term, and all the groups that adhere to these have high success rates.

The first Step in the recovery program involves the member’s admission that life has become unmanageable due to their emotions and mental illness and that they are completely powerless over these emotions. The second Step is to believe that a power greater than yourself is ready and able to restore you to wellness and normalcy. This power represents a person’s image of God and does not require any member to adhere to a specific religion. The third Step is to turn one’s life over to God as you understand him and let his will be done.

After completing these three first Steps, members must take a moral inventory that explores the aspects of their life that cause harm to themselves and others. Examining how you hurt yourself and others is often a painful process, but it is necessary to complete the fifth Step. The fifth Step is to admit all wrongdoings to God and another person, often a person in the group. After completing the fifth Step, members prepare to let God remove all of their defects of character. The seventh Step is to go to God and humbly ask him to remove all of these shortcomings.

The eighth Step is to make a list of names of people you have harmed due to your mental or emotional illness. Members must humble themselves and be willing to make amends with each person listed. The ninth Step is the most difficult for many members. It requires that they seek out every person on their list to make direct amends. Unless contacting someone would endanger that person or others, members should contact every person regardless of the painful memories doing so brings.
“Neurotics Anonymous uses the term “neurotic” to describe anyone whose mental or emotional illness interferes with their functioning to any degree. “
The 10th Step is to continue taking personal inventory and admitting when you slip back into old habits. The 11th Step requires members to meditate and pray to improve their relationships with God. The 12th and final Step is to continue practicing the principles of Neurotics Anonymous and using one’s personal testimony to reach other people who also suffer from mental and emotional illness.

If you suffer from a mental or emotional illness and know you need the support of a compassionate group, call us today at to learn about local Neurotics Anonymous groups.

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